About us

Together Old and Young – TOY: young children and older adults learning together

The TOY project was initiated and is promoted by International Child Development Initiatives - ICDI.

The purpose of the TOY Programme is to promote intergenerational learning and create new possibilities for senior citizens and young children to learn together and benefit from each others’ company.  We believe that this is more important than ever before across the world. People are living longer but older adults and young children are having less and less contact with each other. Parents and grandchildren are migrating to cities and countries far away from grandparents.  >> read more



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Latest TOY project publications

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TOY for Inclusion

TOY for Inclusion: Community Based Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) for Roma Children

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TOY online course


Breaking the Australian Monolingual Mindset: IG programmes and language revitalisation

More than 90% of Australia’s Indigenous Aboriginal languages are at risk of disappearing. Intergenerational programmes involving elders can help reverse this trend. Read Sophia Stirling’s blog about this issue.

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Addressing ageism through IG practice: one programme at a time

For the past 10 years, Associate Professor Katrina Radford from Griffith University, Australia has been researching intergenerational practice in a non-familial environment. As part of this work, she has been promoting the concept of Grandfriends also as a way of addressing ageism. Read on to find out more about her work.

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